CHYPS, is the Chapel Street Young
People's YOUTH GROUP, for youth in school years 7 through to 13. CHYPS meets
once a month, on a Saturday evening, from 6.30pm to 8pm at the Chapel Street
The purpose of CHYPS is:
* to welcome youth from our church
and community to connect in a fun, relaxed group with Christian values
* to build relationships between our
church leaders and the youth in our church & community
* to be primarily a social group,
enabling youth to make new friends and strengthen existing friendships within
the church & our community
A typical CHYPS evening consists of
a mix of high-energy and quieter games and concludes with supper & a
10-minute ‘God-Time’ (low-key, informal, bible-based chat/devotion).
Our current group has a wide range
of ages and a mix of youth who attend church and many who don't. We provide a
safe, friendly and caring environment where the youth feel valued and
We aim to be 'Seed Sowers', in the
words of Siu Williams-Lemi, Regional Youth Co-ordinator for the Sth Island
Methodist Church:
We warmly invite new members to CHYPS, and if any parents are interested in helping on our supper roster we would love to hear from you!